Monday, 24 May 2010

16th May 2010 Hive Inspection

Hive 1 - Queen not seen but the Queen rearing Frame of foundation has been drawn and eggs laid in it.

Hive 2 - Larvae and capped brood together with 6 queen cells. No sign of the queen so it appears that the artificial swarming last week did not prevent her from swarming. 2 Frames with queen cells and a frame of stores together with their bees removed to the other side of hive 4. Frames replaced by frames of foundation.

Hive 3 - Eggs and Larvae seen. Also seen was one queen cell that was hatched. Is this supersedure?

Hive 4 Green - very quick inspection. Queen cell has hatched but no sign that she has mated.
Hive 4 Blue - New nucleus made from hive 2.

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