Saturday, 7 April 2012

Spring 2012

Well the season has started well.  We had one colony die on us before Christmas but all the others came through OK.  We managed to inspect then in the week of good weather at the end of March.  The colony in hive one that I did not expect to survive is the strongest in the apiary.  Just goes to show you can't predict these things.

Weather is too cold this week to inspect, so will leave them until after Easter.  I have a new colony ready to replace the one that died over winter, but need to get the hive cleaned and disinfected first.  The new colony is not very strong yet so I might leave it at its winter home for a few more weeks,  It is right beside a field of oil seed rape.  I hope that will help it build up.

I did not get the change to update this site much last year, I intend to keep things up to date this year.
